Well, here it is…my first “vlog”. It took me years to get the courage to put myself out there and make this. Yes, it’s been hard. (Especially when people want to give my videos a thumbs down for no reason other than they don’t want more people moving to Eagle from California.)
The theme of this vlog is how many things in life do we put off because of fear? “Swing for the Fences” is a baseball term that means if you’re going to step up to bat, you might as well try to hit a Home Run. I believe we all have greatness inside of us. I know any of us can be successful entreprenuers and live a great life.
I first had the idea for the “Think Eagle” videos back in 2013. It took me five years to feel like I was “ready” and had the courage to actually put them out there to the world. We filmed the videos in the summer of 2018, and then I waited five more months to post them publicly on sites like YouTube and Vimeo. It’s scary to put yourself out there, especially when there are so many things that you want to change about ourself. (That’s a long conversation in itself.)
Yet, during this process I learned an incredible lesson. Within just a few weeks of the videos being on my website and YouTube things started happening. I went from getting 10 views a day to getting 100s of views per day, and then people from around the country started reaching out directly and asking me for advice on their own real estate businesses. Putting myself out there was hard. It was one of the harder things I’ve done. I had to get to a place where I was okay with what other people will think or say, and then I remembered the opinions of other people don’t always make me better… the only thing that makes me better is doing hard things. Constantly improving and more importantly “swinging for the fences”.
That’s part of what the vlogs will be all about. Back to the question of how many big things in life are we putting off because of fear or what other people will think? Those things that are holding us back, taking our time, reducing our experiences or income.
I’m a Mom of five kids and I want to impress upon them the same lessons that my parents and grandparents before them gave to me. That you can be an entrepreneur with a good life, but that it’s not always easy. We all have greatness inside that needs to be exercised.
I’ve had low moments in my life, and many times I’ve heard one thing….just one thing that brought me up. That’s my hope – that whoever sees one of these vlogs can take away one thing that makes them better. Then, I’ll know it was all worth it.
I love real estate and the possibility it provides. Welcome to my first real estate vlog. (It’s for those who have reached out and encouraged me these past few months.) It’s also for anyone who has ever supported and encouraged me. If you like this subject, please go back and read What LIfe’s Curveballs Have Taught Me – Part 1 and What LIfe’s Curveballs Have Taught Me – Part 2.